Meet our team

Dajon Thompson · Co-Founder

DJ Luva Luva · Co-Founder & DJ

Tré Bourdeaux · CFO & New Business Development

Lorenzo Pighini · Creative Director & DJ

Spaz · DJ

Jalen Thompson · Midnight LVRS Creative Director
The landscape of Salt Lake City, as things begin to open back up in earnest, is a much different one than that which we left behind more than a year ago. Though there are closures to mourn, there are also new, fresh things going on in SLC nightlife. Among the new is LVRS SLC, a soul-focused entertainment group who've taken up residence at a downtown centerpiece, Good Grammar.
"LVRS is a celebration of culture and life behind great music," says LVRS co-founder Dajon Thompson. And for he and his fellow founder DJ Luva Luva, soul is at the core of everything they want to see and celebrate in the Salt Lake City music scene—the soul in the local artists, the soul in downtown nightlife and in particular, the soul in the people of color in our city. Luva Luva's been on the DJ circuit for the last 10 or so years—friends with Thompson for another 10—and notes that the two of them saw a gap in the musical mainstays in SLC.
"Really it's about soulful experience, bringing that to downtown nightlife and also making sure it's about culture and bringing people of color out to downtown Salt Lake City," Thompson adds. And while there are plenty of downtown bars that foster local DJ enthusiasts of R&B, soul, funk and the like, anyone who's partied on Main Street will probably recall that most of those DJs are of an older, and whiter, set. Thompson says, "We try to bridge the gap between the mature crowd to the younger crowd, and make an experience where we're all taking this in and it doesn't feel so fragmented."
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